Dr. Schulze's SuperFood Plus blasts your body with a rich supply of nutrients that are formulated to increase energy and overall vitality. SuperFood Plus is also protein rich for your daily workout needs with over 40% protein by volume!Herbal Ingredients:*Wild Harvested Spirulina Algae - protein, antioxidants, B-vitamins and iron*Organic Blue-Green Algae - dietary protein, B-vitamins, and iron*Chlorella Broken-Cell Algae - used to improve digestion and to colon-related diseases*Organic Barley Grass - vitamins, minerals, fiber, protein, enzymes and amino acids*Organic Alfalfa Grass - vitamins, minerals and protein and chlorophyll used by body builders*Organic Wheat Grass - thought to be an effective healer, especially for muscular and cellular repair, provides minerals and vitamins, protein and chlorophyll *Organic Purple Dulse Seaweed - contains lots of minerals thought to lower blood pressure and contribute to bone mineral density*Organic Acerola Cherry - high in vitamins, especially vitamin C*Organic Rose Hips - also high in vitamin C*Palm Fruit - for antioxidants, vitamins and minerals*Organic Lemon Peel - vitamins, minerals and fiber*Organic Orange Peel - vitamins, minerals and fiber, thought to benefit the immune system*Organic Beet Root - vitamins, minerals and fiber*Organic Spinach Leaf - rich in antioxidants and vitamins A, B2, C and K; also contains magnesium, manganese, folate, iron, calcium and potassium*Non-Fermentable Saccharomyces - protein and B vitamins; contains all nine essential amino acids*Cerevisiae - good source of chromium for blood sugar levels and B vitamins; considered a probiotic which may aid digestion
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