WEN PL1326 15-Amp 13-Inch Spiral Benchtop Thickness PlanerRemember when you brought those old jagged boards back to life? The WEN 13-Inch Benchtop Thickness Planer repurposes rough and worn wood to give it an exceptionally smooth finish. Our spiral cutterhead utilizes 26 staggered HSS blades to provide a perfect finish to hard and soft woods alike. The powerful 15-amp motor rotates the cutterhead over 10,000 RPM at a 26 feet per minute feed rate. Plane boards up to 13 inches wide and 6 inches thick with ease. The onboard planing gauge helps inform users about the amount of material being removed during each pass. Combine that with the heavy duty cast iron base for a sturdy planer that does not walk or wobble during operation. The handy depth adjustment knob makes it easy to take off anywhere from 0 to 1/8 of an inch per pass. The adjustable dust port removes chips and sawdust from the workpiece and blasts them out of the way. The onboard depth stop allows users to achieve an exact workpiece thickness with maximum precision. This package also includes height-adjustable infeed and outfeed tables to limit snipe while providing extra support to your workpiece during planing. Easily mount the planer to a work surface or stand (such as the WEN MSA658 Planer Stand) using the predrilled base holes. Compatible with the WEN BP510H Replacement Spiral Blades. And because it’s a WEN product, this planer comes backed by a nationwide network of skilled service technicians. Remember when your planer could handle even the hardest of woods? Remember WEN.WEN JT630H 10-Amp 6-Inch Spiral Benchtop JointerRemember when you had a perfectly square jointer to flatten out your boards and workpieces? Maximize precision with the WEN 6-Inch Benchtop Jointer. Our spiral cutterhead utilizes 12 staggered HSS blades to provide a perfect finish to hard and soft woods alike, while the powerful 10-amp motor rotates the cutterhead up to 12,000 times per minute. Adjust the infeed table to remove 0 to 1/8-inch of material with each pass, with a reliable depth-of-cut scale for maximum accuracy. The spacious table measures in at 30 by 6 inches. Bevel the fence up to 45 degrees to create angled cuts along the faces of your boards. The spring-loaded blade guard helps protect against accidental injury, only exposing a limited section of the cutterhead during jointing operation. This package also includes two push blocks for safer jointing and an onboard dust port for minimal cleanup. Compatible with the WEN BP510H Replacement Spiral Blades. And, because it's a WEN product. a stocked inventory of replacement parts, and a friendly customer help line, all to make sure you remember WEN.
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